Thursday, 4 February 2016

SB2 Visual Response Task

Generating ideas for the visual response task by creating links between images, drawings, quotes, and themes.

10 found images that were collected or viewed during my research. I selected these images because I found their context or aesthetic to be interesting.

Quick drawings that were made as a response to a theme or element of an image (e.g. line, colour, composition). Pattern, architecture, abstract forms, and collage are all things I may be interested in.

Project proposal, pulling together thoughts, ideas, and theories that support them. A concern I had from this was that when I moved on to making pictures as part of the task, what exactly would they be about? Did they have to have some underlying meaning or content? Although postmodernism is the overarching idea, this only informs the approach I would use (media, or method) and the characteristics of the image (colour, composition, etc).

However I have just decided to begin making these images in spite of this, so that I have a body of work to pick things out from. I may be able to have these questions answered at the next peer review.

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