As a pre-cursor to Study Task 2: Establishing a Research Question.
When asked to gather interesting, important, and exciting themes that interest me as well as considering successful processes and research methods from last year. Here are my immediate thoughts:
These threads mainly came from things of personal interest which I had included a small amount in my PPP module last year. I will add to and change this list later on.
• High and low art/culture (e.g. Fine Art vs. Popular culture - why? what? when?)
• Collage - historical origins, its impact, uses
• Folk art / Naive art / Outsider art / Art Brut
-> "Crafts" and their origins, as women's artistic outlets, not considered as serious art. Quilts, patchwork, sewing, lace making. I would look at its historical origins, its importance, from a social aspect? Also the imagery and themes within. Maybe put a modern twist?
• Story telling through images / Narrative art
-> Painting (Classical - myths, legends, religious stories)
-> Comics - modern storytelling? (Early comics had political agendas)
Processes:• Interdisciplinary - Looking across many artistic fields outside of just illustration. I enjoyed this as part of my research last year on Postmodernism, but also I find this beneficial to my practice usually.
• Trialing, playing testing. Trying to keep an open mind with the visual research I conduct.
• Make now, analyse later. Do these two things separately so my visual research doesn't suffer at the time of making.
• Extracting information, influences and inspiration from my research in terms of theory and visually.
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