I had a tutorial today because I wanted to discuss my practical work so far, as well as the beginnings of my ideas for the COP 3 proposal. Here are some notes...
Discussion of COP 3 Proposal:
• Gallery and museum spaces - public engagement
• Higher purpose of design - communicative, informative, educational. To make our lives easier, as opposed to being just for money, status, symbolism.
How do I take the question forward?
• Look for contemporary examples of conscious/socially responsible design
• Educational design + spaces -> museums and gallery spaces ->
design for social change -> relationship with the public, encouraging engagement
• Accessibility of design -> design for everyone. E.g. modernist ideals, Bauhaus...
-> counter-argument: this standardises people and the way they live, no variation...
• Spaces involving the audiences and the public, bringing people in, not just for a restrictive group of people
• Visual culture
• Design in the everyday -> Museum/Gallery publications, posters, etc.
They could be very dull and boring, but can be visual and exciting. Pieces of art in their own right that have communicative value (Willem Sandberg - his designs were exhibited)
• Visual identity of exhibitions - communication, education, engagement.
Makes it interesting for audiences.
Discussion of practical work:
• Motifs, maps, symbols, lines, simplification, abstraction
• Create visual maps of stories, travels, sights, memories
• Abstraction - overlays, different perspectives and view points (e.g. aerial view)
• Maps are about interpreting what you see. Early maps in history may not have been accurate, but gave an insight into what they saw.
• Good start, just keep going!! continue testing and making images. The visual language you want to use has been identified, just make compositions.
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