Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Practical | Collage & Prototypes

 Big collages

Going from the quick tests I made in the sketchbook, I made some A3 collage 'posters' that were full of references to messages, and types of messages from throughout history.

I think collage is an appropriate choice of medium, as elements can be cut-up, rehashed, and dropped into new contexts. It also makes it possible to hide a lot of meaning and references within a mix of drawings, scans, photos, and words.

To make the messages in the A3 pieces even more cryptic and confusing, I photocopied them on both sides and made some very fast mini-zines. Completely rearranging the order of the images and chopping them up created new combinations and meanings.

I would like to experiment with this further, as I think it truly becomes a subversive form of communication this way.

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