Sunday, 10 December 2017

Practical | Zine Test

This zine test is a more refined alternative to the cut-up zines I've made previously. It compiles a selection of the collages and images I've made, giving them a context of their own once placed together in a booklet.

It includes a mixture of final collages, as well as scrappy sketchbook pages which have been cropped. The zine/publication format elevates them slightly, hopefully giving them (a little) more importance because of it becomes a standalone artifact (not just existing as a notebook in a drawer, for example.)

Publications are effective because, generally speaking, the content they are made up of is usually curated - sharing a thread of meaning, context, themes, or at the very least are visually related in some way.

Even if the content within this zine isn't immediately clear, because they form a small 'collection' in the form of a publication, readers will assume that the pages all link somehow.

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